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Breakthrough Sudoku (Paperback)
Breakthrough Sudoku introduces groundbreaking, easy-to-learn-and-understand processes for playing Sudoku puzzles—regardless of difficulty, and in substantially less time—that will enable players to break through any barriers they are experiencing to complete puzzles and advance into the higher levels of Sudoku.

Hi, I'm Russ Abbott.
CEO & Founder of Breakthrough Sudoku
In 2011, I began playing Sudoku, and soon thereafter, developed various processes and techniques that I had not seen nor illustrated in any book or website designed to teach how to play the puzzle. They enabled me to complete puzzles of any difficulty and in substantially less time. They were even tested on a puzzle in the MIT Student magazine labeled “Hardest” and it was easily completed in less than minutes.
In 2013, the colleges and communities where I teach finance encouraged me to start a series on Sudoku using my processes and techniques. The classes were well attended from the beginning and have since been added in a virtual format for other colleges as well as individual families and groups. Students said they were getting unstuck to complete puzzles and attempt harder ones. In short, they were “breaking through” any barriers they experienced to master Sudoku.
Several years and hundreds of happy students later, Breakthrough Sudoku was born after I was repeatedly told to write a book on my processes and techniques. This book will give you the confidence to attempt any puzzle, regardless of difficulty, and in substantially less time. Your joy of Sudoku will grow as will your logic and problem-solving skills.
Remove the barriers to mastering Sudoku with Breakthrough Sudoku.
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